Rune Eidset – Department of Nursing Homes Bergen Municipality, Norway
Stronger together! We have collaborated with Helse Bergen and Haukeland University Hospital to develop the Bano Bathroom Concept.
Bano Bathroom Concept: We recognized the need for individuals with reduced mobility to maintain their dignity, safety, and familiar lifestyle as much as possible, even when facing old age, illness, or accidents resulting in physical challenges.
To achieve this, we have worked together with Rune Eidset, Helse Bergen, and Haukeland University Hospital to test the Bano Bathroom Concept in practice.
Rune Eidset has an impressive 40 years of experience as a nurse, nursing and care manager, as well as health and social counsellor, before taking on the role as Special Advisor in the Department of Nursing Homes in Bergen. With such a solid background, we are grateful for his experiences and feedback, which have provided valuable insights into the development of the Bano Bathroom Concept.
The bathroom concept can be installed in both private homes and institutions
The population is aging. Faced with this challenge, it is important that we find solutions, especially since the proportion of elderly people will increase much more than the increase in nursing home placements in the coming years. We must ensure that those living at home can access smart solutions like the Bano products, says Rune Eidset.
Going to the bathroom is one of the most private and intimate actions we perform, and preferably we manage it without assistance from others. With the Bano Concept, this can be done safely, with good distance and gripping opportunities. This enables movement between the toilet, sink, and shower with minimal risk.
The Bano Bathroom Concept provides the opportunity to be more independent than previously. Being able to go to the bathroom and take care of oneself for as long as possible in life is important for maintaining dignity, independence, and freedom.
If you want to read about Gunnar and how he had the Bano Bathroom Concept installed at home, you can do so here.
We at Bano are grateful for the collaboration. If you want to learn more about our products, do not hesitate to contact us. Odotamme yhteydenottoasi!