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Bano wins grant to design appealing and accessible bathrooms

Do you want an aesthetically beautiful bathroom or a functional one that caters to your needs? For individuals with mild disabilities, it’s either one or the other. Today, they don’t have the opportunity to have both. Why does it have to be this way? Bano aims to develop universally designed bathrooms that are not only accessible but also appealing. To achieve this, we have received a grant from Design and Architecture Norway (DOGA).

Two employees fixing Bano sink

Bathroom that is aesthetically appealing and accessible

Traditionally, you had to choose between a pleasant bathroom that is aesthetically pleasing and inviting, or a bathroom that is functional for people with disabilities. We asked ourselves why one must actually choose? Can’t we have both?

The answer is that it is indeed possible to create aesthetically beautiful bathrooms, even for those with reduced mobility – and this is precisely the challenge that we would like to address at Bano.

To develop our vision, we applied for funding from Design and Architecture Norway (DOGA). Since 2009, they have awarded a total of 107.5 million Norwegian kroner to 263 projects through their design-driven innovation program (DIP).

“DIP aims to ensure a better and more socially useful innovation through the use of design methodology in the idea development phase of innovation projects. DIP aims to contribute to new competence in design-driven innovation – and lead to new products, services, processes, or organizational forms.”

In 2023, the fund to be distributed was 10 million Norwegian kroner, divided among 20 innovation projects. We are very pleased and proud to announce that Bano made it through the selection process, as there was a tough competition with over 110 strong applications.

Bano has been awarded a total of 600,000 Norwegian kroner to develop bathrooms with less institutional character.

This is stated in the jury’s statement:

“DIP aims to stimulate traditional companies to use design as a means of innovation. This activity addresses a critical and this far unfulfilled niche in the bathroom furniture market, with a desire to bridge the gap between aesthetics and functionality. The project demonstrates how design as an innovation tool can create solutions that improve users’ daily lives through inclusive, functional, and aesthetic design.”

Here you can read about all the 2023 winners.

A market in demand

As a supplier of institutional bathrooms for nursing homes and hospitals, we are experiencing increased demand for bathrooms with as little institutional character as possible. At the same time, there are few alternatives that combine aesthetics and functionality on the market.

With this demand, we would like to make a universally designed toilet and sink concept that is both beautiful and practical. This way, you can get an adapted bathroom that meets the unique needs of the individual, while avoiding the typical sterile and somewhat impersonal character of an institutional bathroom.

We would like to provide the possibility to face old age or disability without feeling like you live in an institution – a daily life where one is less stigmatized, even though you need adaptation. This is also about dignity – why shouldn’t you have pleasant surroundings even if you have a mobility impairment? We hope our bathrooms will provide a solution to this challenge.

Stay tuned

Would you like to follow us in developing appealing and adapted bathrooms? Stay updated here on our website, as we will share the process with you, and we look forward to showing you the finished result!

Follow this link and to read what Pressenytt wrote about Bano receiving 600,000 Norwegian kroner in support for developing better bathrooms.